Day 291: Time to Rest

July 31, 2012

When you woke up Sunday morning (7/14), you were feeling sick. I had to work until 1:30 and then from 4-7:30, so I couldn’t let you take the day off. Instead, when I came home between 1:30 and 4, I brought you lunch and let you take a nap after lunch. This actually really refreshed you and gave you the energy you needed to get through the rest of the day. I’m sorry you got sick.

Day 167: Letting You Rest

March 16, 2012

Tuesday marked the first day after I turned in my project that we had a chance to rest. We both needed it because we worked so hard these past few weeks that we nearly made ourselves sick. However, the kids woke up much earlier than usual, so we couldn’t sleep in as planned. So, for my act of love, I told you to sleep in while I watched the kids. I had a great time giving them a piano lesson and reading to them. When you woke up, it was 11. I’m glad you had the chance to get that rest, especially since it was because of me that you worked so hard.

Day 64: Cleaning House

December 1, 2011

When I came home from work tonight, you looked majorly burned out from taking care of the kids. So I took the girls out for about an hour while you stayed home and rested. We stopped by Trader Joe’s while we were gone and bought you your flowers for the week. When we came back, you greeted us at the door looking happy and rested.

Giving you time alone wasn’t my official act of love, though. For day 64, I cleaned the kitchen for about 90 minutes. From the time our youngest was born about three months ago, we haven’t had much energy to keep our house clean. Instead, we’ve focused on keeping things somewhat presentable. But tonight, I actually gave the kitchen a deep clean. Maybe I inspired you, because you gave the living room a good cleaning once you saw me cleaning the kitchen.

Day 25: Pedicure

October 24, 2011

Lately, you’ve been exhausted because of our newborn, so yesterday I chose an act that would give you some rest and rejuvenation–I watched the kids with my brother while you went out with my sister-in-law to get a pedicure. You seemed to enjoy yourself because you came back giddy and glowing. On top of that, you gave me a warm, intimate hug and thanked me for letting you go. Just seeing and experiencing you that way made me feel happy and refreshed. Your french tips look great, by the way. They complement your natural beauty.