
365 Acts of Love is the name of my year-long project to express and increase my love for my wife through daily acts of love. I’m chronicling that project through this blog, which I’ll present to her when the project is complete.

Up until day 175, my wife knew nothing about 365 Acts of Love. Now, she’s vaguely aware of it, though she still hasn’t seen the blog. For details, see the entry above day 175 called “Busted!”

Feel free to contact me with your questions or comments or suggestions for acts of love: 365actsoflove at gmail dot com.

28 Responses to About

  1. anne@meltel.net says:

    Does your wife know about this blog?

  2. Debi Walter says:

    Oh my goodness. We’re so glad we’ve found you. This idea is brilliant, and it will be something your wife cherishes for the rest of her life – not the blog alone, but the heart behind it. ❤
    Great job!
    Tom and Debi Walter

  3. Brilliant idea! It’s going to force you to think about blessing her!

  4. John says:

    This is a really incredible blog. As others have noted, it’s brilliant. I blog about things I do for my wife, but you take it to a whole different level!

  5. Karyl says:

    This is such a sweet blog. As you know, I also have a 365 blog related to marriage. My husband knows about it and subscribes but it’s for him just the same. I also plan to make a book out of it at the end. I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  6. Pamela says:

    OH my, I am really touched by your blog and your efforts to shower your wife but not only that you are training yourself to think about your wife and her needs daily. You should be commended.

    I have bookmarked your blog to visit often to see how things are going…

    Still Dating My Spouse

  7. Scott says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventure. This is a ministry to your bride and family from which many of us readers are blessed.
    I am praying for you, your marriage and your family. May He continue to weave your marriage together, drawing you closer together as a couple, as a family, and to Him as His children.

  8. JT says:

    This blog sounds like a fairy tale to me…

    Blessed Christmas and New Year!

  9. Nicole says:

    wow this is really sweet! may i steal some ideas? you should take everything from this blog and put it into a book at the end. besides making it a real book which would be so romantic to her, but maybe inspiring other couples like you have done to me; but i guess only if she is ok with making it into a book. though, im not a believer in god i am still just so inspired by it all. good luck to you. maybe you should teach my husband some things. hahaha.

  10. What a beautiful, inspirational – and Kind – thing to do! I love this, adding it to my blog roll…

  11. Christophe says:

    This is inspiring – and helpful. Thanks for sharing! Hope you don’t mind that I linked to your blog today: http://one-thing-we-do.blogspot.com/2012/03/love-actions-or-actions-love.html

  12. I so enjoy reading your posts – very encouraging in a world that has a hard time honoring commitment. That’s why I also nominated the blog for a Versatile Blogger award. If you would like to accept you will find the rules here:

    First Award For The Kindness Kronicles!

    Thank you for what you are doing!

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