Day 363: Apple Pie

February 13, 2013

I baked you an apple pie for this act of love, which was the first apple pie I’ve ever baked in my life. I thought it tasted okay, but you really liked it. I believe this was the first time I baked a pie in my life, which was for 365 Acts of Love. Since that time, I baked a blueberry pie for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas. That makes four pies, all because of 365 Acts of Love. If nothing else comes out of this year-long project, it was worth it for the delicious pies.


Day 328: Blueberry Pie

September 16, 2012

For my 328th act of love, I strapped on my manly Iron Man apron gunk shield and baked you a lovely blueberry pie.

I don’t know if I’m supposed to say this about my own pie, but it was amazing! The crust was all flaky (I let Trader Joe’s do all the work on that one—next time I’m makin’ my own) and the blueberries were sweet and gooey.

Day 323: Blueberry Muffins

September 5, 2012

For act 323, I baked you (and the girls) some blueberry muffins. They didn’t taste great, but it was fun to surprise you with them.