Day 276: Baskin Robbins

July 10, 2012

If it’s okay with you, I’d like to make more of my acts of love into acts for our family. It’s so difficult for us to do stuff together without our children and it’s so nice to do stuff with them.

So on Saturday, I took everyone out to Baskin Robbins. I got the idea because I remembered that you got an email coupon for a free cone. When we got there, we noticed that the coupon was expired. Oh, well. We still each got an ice cream.

Day 267: Lil’ Toot

July 2, 2012

Our kids weren’t too keen on the fact that we went on a boat without them. In fact, they’ve been downright upset that I’ve lately taken you out alone so much. Their feelings are justified, to an extent—if I’m always doing fun stuff with you and not them, that’s not cool. Then again, they need to realize that dad’s going to treat mom differently than he treats them.

At any rate, I tried to show them that I think they’re special too by taking them (and you) around the Santa Barbara harbor on a water taxi.

Lil’ Toot was her name and she bore it well. Confidently she tooted her little horn to alert the surrounding vessels of her presence as she bravely navigated the choppy waters of the harbor.

After our rendezvous on Lil’ Toot, we meandered through the harbor’s Maritime Museum, which was free for the day.

We all had a great time. O Lil’ Toot, warrior of the waves, we thank thee. Though you were a Lil’ Toot, you gave us a big adventure.